melakukan sesuatu dengan terus menerus bahasa Inggris
- melakukan: commit; commited; committed; committing; conduct;
- melakukan sesuatu: go to town; going to town; gone to town
- melakukan sesuatu dengan terus: gone the whole hog
- sesuatu: something; anything; such-and-such; launching;
- dengan: by; by taking; given; given the; given this;
- terus: constant; goes on; gone on; got along; on the up
- terus menerus: at all times; ceaseless; ceaselessly; endlessly;
- menerus: go on
- terus melakukan sesuatu: keep doing something; keeping doing something; kept doing something
- melakukan sesuatu dengan terbu: gone off the deep end
- melakukan sesuatu dengan terburu-buru: go off the deep end
- terus menerus: at all times; ceaseless; ceaselessly; endlessly; fixedly; incessant; perpetual; perpetually; persistently; right through; thick and threefold; unceasing; without a break; continually; whenever; go o
- terus- menerus: away
- terus-menerus: all the while; continual; continually; continuous; incessantly; on and on; timeless; unstinting; all the time; always; at a stretch; away; constant; continuously; day etc in, day etc out; eternal; f
- bekerja terus menerus: labour on; laboured on; labouring on